All for You

I started off trying to write a song about Agape, or the love warriors have for each-other.  Non-romantic love.  Well, it’s sort of worked.  Maybe.

I see you standing in front of the gates
Spear and banner in hand
You fight for your king, you fight for your lord
You fight for a parcel of land
But I do not care for your loyalty strong
Or fealty to lord above
I only know how to battle for you
I fight for my brother’s love

I followed you here on this your quest
To prove your bravery to all
I polished your helmet and mended your boots
And carried your shield to the hall
And even onto the exercise field
I carried my sword and my maile
Together we learned how to be soldiers true
Together we learned we can’t fail

My sword, my shield, my love for you
My heart, my mind, my soul
For our love, Brothers true, few e’re know
All for you
All for you

But now all I see is destruction and dust
As you stand at the fore of the line
How can I keep you safe and secure
How can I save you this time
I try to run up to your side
But my rank is too far away
And from far behind you I see you charge
I see you plunge in the fray

Chaos surrounds us as if in a storm
The order of battle is lost
Over and over the foemen attack
We push them back at great cost
Confusion clears, for a moment I see
You back to back with your lord
But then I am faced with a foe of my own
And you are engulfed by the horde

My sword, my shield, my love for you
My heart, my mind, my soul
For our love, Brothers true, few e’re know
All for you
All for you

So my brother, our travels are done
Only one last walk to go
The wagon jolts in the ruts of the road
Carrying cargo of woe
Soon will come to tell mothers the tale
Of how you and I came to be
laid in the ground for my brotherly love
And by your blind loyalty.

My sword, my shield, my love for you
My heart, my mind, my soul
For our love, Brothers true, few e’re know
All for you
All for you

(performed at Bardic Madness South XVI, November 15, 2014)